Monday, August 7
1:30 PM
Wolves and tree logs: The importance of fine-scale risk factors for tree regeneration over a predation risk gradient
Annelies van Ginkel
Contributed Talks, room E142
Annelies van Ginkel
Contributed Talks, room E142
4:00 PM
Winter carrying capacity estimation of tigers’ prey for the scheduled National Park for Amur Tiger and Amur Leopard (NPATAL) in northeastern China
Limeng Yang
Contributed Talks, room B110-111
Limeng Yang
Contributed Talks, room B110-111
Tuesday, August 8
8:00 AM
Spring fasting behavior among polar bears as an index of ecosystem productivity
Karyn Rode
Contributed Talks, room D132
Karyn Rode
Contributed Talks, room D132
9:00 AM
Understanding the predatory effects of wolves in northern Yellowstone National Park
Dan MacNulty
Symposia, room Portland Blrm 252
Dan MacNulty
Symposia, room Portland Blrm 252
10:10 AM
Recovering riparian vegetation in Yellowstone after wolf reintroduction: The first two decades
Robert Beschta
Symposia, room Portland Blrm 252
Robert Beschta
Symposia, room Portland Blrm 252
2:10 PM
Genetic structure of black bears (Ursus americanus) in Alabama
John Draper
Contributed Talks, room E147-148
John Draper
Contributed Talks, room E147-148
2:30 PM
Host and population level parasite community dynamics: The role of coinfection in feline immunodeficiency virus infected African lions (Panthera leo)
Heather M. Broughton
Contributed Talks, room D137
Heather M. Broughton
Contributed Talks, room D137
Wednesday, August 9
11:10 AM
From the gene to ecosystem: Surprising ecological and behavioral implications of the black coat color gene revealed by 20 years of the Yellowstone Wolf Project
Daniel R. Stahler
Organized Oral Sessions, room D136
Daniel R. Stahler
Organized Oral Sessions, room D136
4:30 PM
Quantifying wolf diet in southeast Alaska using molecular methods
Aimee Massey
Contributed Posters, room Exhibit Hall
Aimee Massey
Contributed Posters, room Exhibit Hall
Thursday, August 10
8:00 AM
Effects of human related factors and prey scarcity on the population of Siberian tiger (Panthera tigris altaica) under climate change
Yu Tian
Contributed Talks, room B113
Yu Tian
Contributed Talks, room B113
8:20 AM
The impacts of the road network on maned wolf Chrysocyon brachyurus persistence in Brazil
Priscilla Barbosa
Contributed Talks, room B113
Priscilla Barbosa
Contributed Talks, room B113
9:00 AM
Balancing cost and reward in a predator-prey system: Drivers of variation in salmon use by grizzly bears across British Columbia, Canada
Megan S Adams
Contributed Talks, room D133-134
Megan S Adams
Contributed Talks, room D133-134
9:50 AM
Study design considerations for integrated population models: Improving conservation and management of polar bears
Nathan J. Hostetter
Organized Oral Sessions, room Portland Blrm 254
Nathan J. Hostetter
Organized Oral Sessions, room Portland Blrm 254
10:30 AM
Gray wolves (Canis lupus) continue to selectively kill senescent elk (Cervus elaphus), even when they are relatively rare in the population
Sarah R. Hoy
Contributed Talks, room D133-134
Sarah R. Hoy
Contributed Talks, room D133-134
4:30 PM
Quantifying coyote dietary niche width in a restored grassland
Kirstie Savage
Contributed Posters, room Exhibit Hall
Kirstie Savage
Contributed Posters, room Exhibit Hall
Friday, August 11
8:30 AM
Effect of livestock guardian dog and sheep presence on occupancy of wolves and grizzly bears
Daniel Kinka
Latebreaking Posters, room Exhibit Hall
Daniel Kinka
Latebreaking Posters, room Exhibit Hall
8:30 AM
Effect of livestock guardian dog and sheep presence on occupancy of wolves and grizzly bears
Daniel Kinka
Latebreaking Posters, room Exhibit Hall
Daniel Kinka
Latebreaking Posters, room Exhibit Hall
10:30 AM
Elk selection for vacant predator niches favors coexistence with wolves and cougars in northern Yellowstone National Park
Michel T. Kohl
Contributed Talks, room D139
Michel T. Kohl
Contributed Talks, room D139
10:50 AM
Survival expectations in a wolf-elk system: How selective predation and the environment shift elk senescence
Lacy M. Smith
Contributed Talks, room D139
Lacy M. Smith
Contributed Talks, room D139