
Monday, August 7

4:00 PM
4:20 PM
4:30 PM
Introduced game birds as seed dispersers in Hawaiian forests
Samuel B. Case
Contributed Posters, room Exhibit Hall

Tuesday, August 8

9:20 AM
Trophic level and diet affect patterns of extinction risk in birds and mammals
Shaley A. Valentine
Contributed Talks, room B110-111
9:50 AM
10:10 AM
Shorebird nest site habitat composition: Implications for climate change
Aaron R. Gottesman
Contributed Talks, room D132
10:30 AM
11:10 AM
Taking a bird’s eye view to examine predator-prey interactions
Ashley L. Kissick
Contributed Talks, room C125-126
1:30 PM
1:30 PM
2:30 PM
2:50 PM
4:20 PM
4:20 PM
4:30 PM
4:30 PM
4:30 PM

Wednesday, August 9

8:40 AM
8:40 AM
9:00 AM
9:00 AM
9:00 AM
1:30 PM
2:10 PM
2:50 PM
2:50 PM
2:50 PM
4:00 PM
4:30 PM
4:30 PM

Thursday, August 10

8:40 AM
Integrated population models uncover cryptic drivers of population dynamics in migratory birds
Mitch D. Weegman
Organized Oral Sessions, room Portland Blrm 254
8:40 AM
9:20 AM
3:40 PM
3:40 PM
4:00 PM
4:30 PM
The functional integrity of birds and mammals across the globe
Robert S. C. Cooke
Contributed Posters, room Exhibit Hall
4:30 PM

Friday, August 11

8:00 AM
8:20 AM
8:20 AM
8:40 AM
Diet of hummingbirds in the California Floristic Province
Jenny Hazlehurst
Contributed Talks, room C125-126
9:20 AM
9:20 AM
Invasive common reed dampens response of water birds to wet conditions
Courtney D. Robichaud
Contributed Talks, room E147-148
9:50 AM
10:50 AM
8:30 AM
Effects of supplemental feeding on nesting success of Eastern Bluebirds, Sialia sialis
Danielle C. Perryman
Latebreaking Posters, room Exhibit Hall
8:30 AM
8:30 AM
8:30 AM
8:30 AM
8:30 AM
8:30 AM
8:30 AM
8:30 AM