Monday, August 7
4:00 PM
Feedbacks between tropical tree diversity and top-down control by insectivorous birds: Assessing the mechanisms of the Enemies Hypothesis
Colleen S. Nell
Contributed Talks, room D133-134
Colleen S. Nell
Contributed Talks, room D133-134
4:20 PM
Impact of native plant restoration in urban yards on arthropod and bird abundance in Portland, Oregon
Marion Dresner
Contributed Talks, room E146
Marion Dresner
Contributed Talks, room E146
4:30 PM
Introduced game birds as seed dispersers in Hawaiian forests
Samuel B. Case
Contributed Posters, room Exhibit Hall
Samuel B. Case
Contributed Posters, room Exhibit Hall
Tuesday, August 8
9:20 AM
Trophic level and diet affect patterns of extinction risk in birds and mammals
Shaley A. Valentine
Contributed Talks, room B110-111
Shaley A. Valentine
Contributed Talks, room B110-111
9:50 AM
Potential songbird migration phenological shifts in southeastern New York: Understanding the local effects of climate change through analysis of a unique long-term dataset
Megan M. Napoli
Contributed Talks, room D139
Megan M. Napoli
Contributed Talks, room D139
10:10 AM
Shorebird nest site habitat composition: Implications for climate change
Aaron R. Gottesman
Contributed Talks, room D132
Aaron R. Gottesman
Contributed Talks, room D132
10:30 AM
Wet food in dry years: Can prey-switching explain the stable reproductive performance of songbirds despite California’s historic drought?
Robert Walsh
Contributed Talks, room E142
Robert Walsh
Contributed Talks, room E142
11:10 AM
Taking a bird’s eye view to examine predator-prey interactions
Ashley L. Kissick
Contributed Talks, room C125-126
Ashley L. Kissick
Contributed Talks, room C125-126
1:30 PM
Urban blues: Both oscine and non-oscine birds adjust their songs in noisy cities
Caroline Dingle
Contributed Talks, room E146
Caroline Dingle
Contributed Talks, room E146
1:30 PM
Environmental perturbations and trophic cascades affect wintering populations of a declining migratory waterbird
Clay M. Stroud
Contributed Talks, room B110-111
Clay M. Stroud
Contributed Talks, room B110-111
2:30 PM
Challenges and opportunities of accurately and precisely estimating fatality of birds and bats at wind energy facilities
Cris Hein
Organized Oral Sessions, room D136
Cris Hein
Organized Oral Sessions, room D136
2:50 PM
Land use change alters the composition of arthropods consumed by birds in Costa Rica
J. Nicholas Hendershot
Contributed Talks, room E142
J. Nicholas Hendershot
Contributed Talks, room E142
4:20 PM
Understanding the interactions between birds and wind turbines, and strategies to minimize fatality
Wally Erickson
Organized Oral Sessions, room D136
Wally Erickson
Organized Oral Sessions, room D136
4:20 PM
Predicting and describing the spatial differentiation in community composition of forest birds in a managed forested landscape
Bryce T. Adams
Contributed Talks, room B113
Bryce T. Adams
Contributed Talks, room B113
4:30 PM
The effects of bison reintroduction on grassland bird nest success in a tallgrass prairie
Heather Herakovich
Contributed Posters, room Exhibit Hall
Heather Herakovich
Contributed Posters, room Exhibit Hall
4:30 PM
Using a Bird feeder Network to Characterize Bird Diversity Across a Suburban University Campus
Troy Ellick
Contributed Posters, room Exhibit Hall
Troy Ellick
Contributed Posters, room Exhibit Hall
4:30 PM
Using MAPS Banding Stations to Characterize Bird Communities in Two Forest Fragments: Does Fragment Size Matter?
Aidan Mabey
Contributed Posters, room Exhibit Hall
Aidan Mabey
Contributed Posters, room Exhibit Hall
Wednesday, August 9
8:40 AM
Does perceived predation alter life history strategies? A field experiment in a passerine bird
Robin N Abbey-Lee
Contributed Talks, room E147-148
Robin N Abbey-Lee
Contributed Talks, room E147-148
8:40 AM
The boreal bird community response to understory protection harvesting in Alberta, Canada
Connor J Charchuk
Contributed Talks, room E145
Connor J Charchuk
Contributed Talks, room E145
9:00 AM
Climate change shifts top-down, and bottom-up controls: Plants, grasshoppers, and birds
Gary E. Belovsky
Organized Oral Sessions, room D136
Gary E. Belovsky
Organized Oral Sessions, room D136
9:00 AM
Predator-mediated effects of drought associated with poor reproductive success in a nocturnal seabird in a cross-ecosystem cascade
Sarah K. Thomsen
Contributed Talks, room D129-130
Sarah K. Thomsen
Contributed Talks, room D129-130
9:00 AM
Interactions between a threatened shorebird and oyster aquaculture in New Jersey: Do farms impact red knot habitat use and foraging?
Brian K. Schumm
Contributed Talks, room B110-111
Brian K. Schumm
Contributed Talks, room B110-111
1:30 PM
Forest disturbances and breeding birds: Do thinning treatments and insect outbreaks change the avian community in subalpine forests of Colorado?
Julia J. Kelly
Contributed Talks, room E145
Julia J. Kelly
Contributed Talks, room E145
2:10 PM
Building a better recording studio: Effects of sound absorption in songbird laboratory environments on song quality perception
Kate T. Snyder
Contributed Talks, room E147-148
Kate T. Snyder
Contributed Talks, room E147-148
2:50 PM
Cultural selection as a mechanism of acoustic adaptation to city noise for songbirds
Dana L. Moseley
Contributed Talks, room E147-148
Dana L. Moseley
Contributed Talks, room E147-148
2:50 PM
Cultural selection as a mechanism of acoustic adaptation to city noise for songbirds
Dana L. Moseley
Contributed Talks, room E147-148
Dana L. Moseley
Contributed Talks, room E147-148
2:50 PM
Cultural selection as a mechanism of acoustic adaptation to city noise for songbirds
Dana L. Moseley
Contributed Talks, room E147-148
Dana L. Moseley
Contributed Talks, room E147-148
4:00 PM
Using stable isotope analysis to measure nearshore recovery of seabird islands following rodent eradication in New Zealand
Lyndsay L. Rankin
Contributed Talks, room B115
Lyndsay L. Rankin
Contributed Talks, room B115
4:30 PM
Seed dispersal in a novel Hawaiian ecosystem: Can mutualisms between exotic birds and endangered flora be cultivated?
Sean Erroll MacDonald
Contributed Posters, room Exhibit Hall
Sean Erroll MacDonald
Contributed Posters, room Exhibit Hall
4:30 PM
Using environmental DNA sampling methods to determine cryptic wetland bird occupancy in Illinois
Anastasia A. Rahlin
Contributed Posters, room Exhibit Hall
Anastasia A. Rahlin
Contributed Posters, room Exhibit Hall
Thursday, August 10
8:40 AM
Integrated population models uncover cryptic drivers of population dynamics in migratory birds
Mitch D. Weegman
Organized Oral Sessions, room Portland Blrm 254
Mitch D. Weegman
Organized Oral Sessions, room Portland Blrm 254
8:40 AM
Spare capacity and phenotypic flexibility in the digestive system of a migratory bird: Defining the limits of response to environmental change
Scott McWilliams
Organized Oral Sessions, room Portland Blrm 258
Scott McWilliams
Organized Oral Sessions, room Portland Blrm 258
9:20 AM
From wave to wing: How nutrients from the sea impact terrestrial bird ecology on islands
Debora S. Obrist
Contributed Talks, room E142
Debora S. Obrist
Contributed Talks, room E142
3:40 PM
Isotopic evidence of long-distance breeding dispersal in a migratory grassland bird
W. Alice Boyle
Contributed Talks, room D133-134
W. Alice Boyle
Contributed Talks, room D133-134
3:40 PM
The misadventures of Catbird and Robin: How these fine-feathered “finks” disperse two invasive shrub species
Anthony C. Cullen
Contributed Talks, room E146
Anthony C. Cullen
Contributed Talks, room E146
4:00 PM
The influence of spatial context and successional pathways on bird communities following high-severity wildfire
Zachary L. Steel
Contributed Talks, room B112
Zachary L. Steel
Contributed Talks, room B112
4:30 PM
The functional integrity of birds and mammals across the globe
Robert S. C. Cooke
Contributed Posters, room Exhibit Hall
Robert S. C. Cooke
Contributed Posters, room Exhibit Hall
4:30 PM
Evolutionary imbalance dominates phylogenetic patterns in successful bird introductions
Brian S. Maitner
Contributed Posters, room Exhibit Hall
Brian S. Maitner
Contributed Posters, room Exhibit Hall
Friday, August 11
8:00 AM
Interannual variation in nest predation risk influences spatial associations and fitness outcomes in a cavity nesting bird community
James C. Mouton
Contributed Talks, room D139
James C. Mouton
Contributed Talks, room D139
8:20 AM
Cascading effects of herbivores on vegetation heterogeneity, grassland bird conservation, and livestock production in a rangeland social-ecological system
David J. Augustine
Organized Oral Sessions, room Portland Blrm 253
David J. Augustine
Organized Oral Sessions, room Portland Blrm 253
8:20 AM
Impacts of future climate and land-use change on extinction risks: A global assessment of terrestrial birds, mammals, and amphibians
Ryan Powers
Contributed Talks, room B118-119
Ryan Powers
Contributed Talks, room B118-119
8:40 AM
Diet of hummingbirds in the California Floristic Province
Jenny Hazlehurst
Contributed Talks, room C125-126
Jenny Hazlehurst
Contributed Talks, room C125-126
9:20 AM
Persistent bill and corolla matching despite shifting temporal resources in tropical hummingbird-plant interactions
Ben Weinstein
Organized Oral Sessions, room Portland Blrm 252
Ben Weinstein
Organized Oral Sessions, room Portland Blrm 252
9:20 AM
Invasive common reed dampens response of water birds to wet conditions
Courtney D. Robichaud
Contributed Talks, room E147-148
Courtney D. Robichaud
Contributed Talks, room E147-148
9:50 AM
How small is too small? Influences of protected area size and surrounding land use on forest bird assemblages
Jeffrey A Brown
Contributed Talks, room B110-111
Jeffrey A Brown
Contributed Talks, room B110-111
10:50 AM
Landscape-scale manipulation of the acoustic environment alters the distribution of breeding birds and arthropods
Elizeth Cinto-Mejia
Contributed Talks, room B118-119
Elizeth Cinto-Mejia
Contributed Talks, room B118-119
8:30 AM
Effects of supplemental feeding on nesting success of Eastern Bluebirds, Sialia sialis
Danielle C. Perryman
Latebreaking Posters, room Exhibit Hall
Danielle C. Perryman
Latebreaking Posters, room Exhibit Hall
8:30 AM
Can functional traits of birds explain their divergent patterns of altitudinal migration?
Mao-Ning Tuanmu
Latebreaking Posters, room Exhibit Hall
Mao-Ning Tuanmu
Latebreaking Posters, room Exhibit Hall
8:30 AM
Impact of various road types and trails on bird abundance and diversity at Black Rock Forest, Hudson Highlands, New York
Terryanne Maenza-Gmelch
Latebreaking Posters, room Exhibit Hall
Terryanne Maenza-Gmelch
Latebreaking Posters, room Exhibit Hall
8:30 AM
Predicting the effects of increasing temperature on the interaction of prey-predator system: A case study of two aphid-ladybird systems
Minyoung Lee
Latebreaking Posters, room Exhibit Hall
Minyoung Lee
Latebreaking Posters, room Exhibit Hall
8:30 AM
Ecology is child’s play: Experiments on hummingbird color preferences and learning abilities
Javier D. Monzón
Latebreaking Posters, room Exhibit Hall
Javier D. Monzón
Latebreaking Posters, room Exhibit Hall
8:30 AM
Monitoring rangelands to investigate availability and distribution of ecosystem services: Patterns indicated by soil carbon, plant communities, and bird diversity
Kelly Garbach
Latebreaking Posters, room Exhibit Hall
Kelly Garbach
Latebreaking Posters, room Exhibit Hall
8:30 AM
Monitoring rangelands to investigate availability and distribution of ecosystem services: Patterns indicated by soil carbon, plant communities, and bird diversity
Kelly Garbach
Latebreaking Posters, room Exhibit Hall
Kelly Garbach
Latebreaking Posters, room Exhibit Hall
8:30 AM
Changes in potential bird communities associated with climate shifts over 50 years
Max Henschell
Latebreaking Posters, room Exhibit Hall
Max Henschell
Latebreaking Posters, room Exhibit Hall
8:30 AM
Competition for invasion: Seeds arriving into an oldfield site through perching birds do not mirror the abundance of the fruits available in the landscape
Laurie S. Eberhardt
Latebreaking Posters, room Exhibit Hall
Laurie S. Eberhardt
Latebreaking Posters, room Exhibit Hall