Monday, August 7
2:10 PM
Evaluating the role of host behavior in determining risk of vector-borne disease
Douglas G. Barron
Contributed Talks, room E147-148
Douglas G. Barron
Contributed Talks, room E147-148
4:00 PM
Cascade-fueled epidemics: Predators spread infectious disease by enhancing within-host parasite production
Maja Sljivar
Contributed Talks, room E147-148
Maja Sljivar
Contributed Talks, room E147-148
4:30 PM
Tracking disease and fungal community structure in chestnut blight cankers on American chestnut in Michigan and Wisconsin
Matthew Kolp
Contributed Posters, room Exhibit Hall
Matthew Kolp
Contributed Posters, room Exhibit Hall
4:40 PM
Interactions among environmental change, plant chemistry, and disease transmission: Disease dynamics in our phytochemical future
Mark D. Hunter
Organized Oral Sessions, room D136
Mark D. Hunter
Organized Oral Sessions, room D136
Tuesday, August 8
8:40 AM
Human infectious disease burdens decrease with urbanization but not with biodiversity
Chelsea L. Wood
Contributed Talks, room D137
Chelsea L. Wood
Contributed Talks, room D137
9:00 AM
Defining the phenotype of mange disease in bare-nosed wombats (Vombatus ursinus)
Alynn M. Martin
Contributed Talks, room D137
Alynn M. Martin
Contributed Talks, room D137
9:20 AM
Mechanisms driving resistance and resilience to community change after the sea star wasting disease outbreak
Sarah Gravem
Contributed Talks, room E142
Sarah Gravem
Contributed Talks, room E142
10:10 AM
Effects of an antibacterial on disease dynamics in larval amphibians
Vanessa P. Wuerthner
Contributed Talks, room E147-148
Vanessa P. Wuerthner
Contributed Talks, room E147-148
1:50 PM
Applying the disease triangle in an epidemiological framework
Richard C. Cobb
Organized Oral Sessions, room Portland Blrm 257
Richard C. Cobb
Organized Oral Sessions, room Portland Blrm 257
2:10 PM
Snake fungal disease disrupts the skin microbiome of endangered Eastern Massasauga rattlesnakes (Sistrurus catenatus)
Angela D. Kent
Contributed Talks, room D137
Angela D. Kent
Contributed Talks, room D137
4:00 PM
Impacts of drought on forest insects and diseases in the United States
Jeffrey A, Hicke
Organized Oral Sessions, room Portland Blrm 257
Jeffrey A, Hicke
Organized Oral Sessions, room Portland Blrm 257
4:20 PM
Data-driven approaches to building predictive capacity for zoonotic disease
Barbara Han
Organized Oral Sessions, room Portland Blrm 256
Barbara Han
Organized Oral Sessions, room Portland Blrm 256
4:20 PM
Predisposition in plant disease: Signal conflicts and synergies in stress hormone pathways and response
Richard Bostock
Organized Oral Sessions, room Portland Blrm 257
Richard Bostock
Organized Oral Sessions, room Portland Blrm 257
4:20 PM
Dynamics of foot-and-mouth disease in African buffalo (Syncerus caffer): Calf-to-calf transmission alone is incompatible with disease persistence
Erin Gorsich
Contributed Talks, room D137
Erin Gorsich
Contributed Talks, room D137
4:40 PM
Combined effects of reduced hydroperiod and pathogen exposure on amphibians experiencing endemic disease
Michel E B Ohmer
Contributed Talks, room D137
Michel E B Ohmer
Contributed Talks, room D137
Wednesday, August 9
8:40 AM
Climate- and disease-induced demographic shifts in an endemic conifer of coastal California
Sarah Bisbing
Contributed Talks, room B118-119
Sarah Bisbing
Contributed Talks, room B118-119
8:40 AM
Scale-free measures of progress towards disease elimination in a metapopulation
Amalie McKee
Contributed Talks, room D137
Amalie McKee
Contributed Talks, room D137
9:00 AM
The shape of the contact-density function matters for disease persistence: Evidence from an experiment-driven simulation model
Benny Borremans
Contributed Talks, room D137
Benny Borremans
Contributed Talks, room D137
9:00 AM
The shape of the contact-density function matters for disease persistence: Evidence from an experiment-driven simulation model
Benny Borremans
Contributed Talks, room D137
Benny Borremans
Contributed Talks, room D137
9:00 AM
The shape of the contact-density function matters for disease persistence: Evidence from an experiment-driven simulation model
Benny Borremans
Contributed Talks, room D137
Benny Borremans
Contributed Talks, room D137
10:50 AM
Disturbance legacies and the post-fire dynamics of an emerging, introduced forest disease
Allison Simler
Contributed Talks, room B112
Allison Simler
Contributed Talks, room B112
1:50 PM
Microbiome assembly dynamics in healthy and diseased corals
Courtney M. Dunphy
Contributed Talks, room C122
Courtney M. Dunphy
Contributed Talks, room C122
2:30 PM
Wildfire disturbance initially increases Lyme disease risk in California, yet dampens disease risk through time
Andrew J. MacDonald
Contributed Talks, room D137
Andrew J. MacDonald
Contributed Talks, room D137
4:00 PM
Molecular diversity of foliar fungal endophytes in relation to defense strategies and disease in whitebark pine
Lorinda Bullington
Contributed Talks, room E145
Lorinda Bullington
Contributed Talks, room E145
4:20 PM
Ecological feedbacks reveal disease can accelerate host evolution of lower resistance
Jason M. Walsman
Contributed Talks, room D137
Jason M. Walsman
Contributed Talks, room D137
Thursday, August 10
8:00 AM
Microbial diversity and pathogen acquisition altered by host blood meal in the microbiome of a key disease vector, Ixodes pacificus
Jessica Y. Kwan
Contributed Talks, room D137
Jessica Y. Kwan
Contributed Talks, room D137
9:00 AM
Disease structured N-mixture models: A tool for inference of disease dynamics without mark-recapture methods
Graziella V. DiRenzo
Contributed Talks, room B113
Graziella V. DiRenzo
Contributed Talks, room B113
9:20 AM
Relationship between canopy structure, microclimate, and Swiss needle cast disease severity among young and mature Douglas-fir forests
Yung-Hsiang Lan
Contributed Talks, room D137
Yung-Hsiang Lan
Contributed Talks, room D137
9:50 AM
Disease resistance genes in maize: Evidence for side-effects on non-pathogenic microbes
Maggie Wagner
Organized Oral Sessions, room Portland Blrm 255
Maggie Wagner
Organized Oral Sessions, room Portland Blrm 255
11:10 AM
Modeling metapopulation dynamics in coupled natural-human systems: Integrating rails, wetlands, landowners, drought, and disease
Steven R. Beissinger
Organized Oral Sessions, room Portland Blrm 254
Steven R. Beissinger
Organized Oral Sessions, room Portland Blrm 254
1:50 PM
2:30 PM
The response of a parasite community to disease invasion: Bovine tuberculosis leads to functional changes in parasite communities within a host
Brianna Beechler
Contributed Talks, room D137
Brianna Beechler
Contributed Talks, room D137
3:40 PM
Biotic and abiotic factors predisposing marri trees (Corymbia calophylla) to canker disease caused by the fungus Quambalaria coyrecup
Sarah J. Sapsford
Contributed Talks, room D137
Sarah J. Sapsford
Contributed Talks, room D137
4:00 PM
Raising the alarm on emerging diseases: quantitative methods for detection and decision making
Tobias S. Brett
Contributed Talks, room D137
Tobias S. Brett
Contributed Talks, room D137
4:20 PM
Some like it hot: Thermoregulation, amphibian disease and decline
Erin L. Sauer
Contributed Talks, room D137
Erin L. Sauer
Contributed Talks, room D137
4:40 PM
The impacts of farm and cattle density on foot-and-mouth disease epidemic spread
Amanda J. Meadows
Contributed Talks, room D137
Amanda J. Meadows
Contributed Talks, room D137
4:40 PM
The impacts of farm and cattle density on foot-and-mouth disease epidemic spread
Amanda J. Meadows
Contributed Talks, room D137
Amanda J. Meadows
Contributed Talks, room D137
Friday, August 11
8:00 AM
Connecting ecology and emerging infectious diseases: Insights from citizen science, fried chicken, and Lyme disease
Daniel J. Salkeld
Contributed Talks, room D137
Daniel J. Salkeld
Contributed Talks, room D137
8:20 AM
National scale surveillance for an exotic amphibian disease threat, Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans Bsal
Daniel A. Grear
Contributed Talks, room E142
Daniel A. Grear
Contributed Talks, room E142
8:30 AM
A framework for estimating the potential effects of climate change on tick-borne disease risk in Panama
Erin C Welsh
Latebreaking Posters, room Exhibit Hall
Erin C Welsh
Latebreaking Posters, room Exhibit Hall
8:30 AM
Natural drivers of microbiome variation in the California Lyme disease vector
Lisa I. Couper
Latebreaking Posters, room Exhibit Hall
Lisa I. Couper
Latebreaking Posters, room Exhibit Hall
10:30 AM
Disease implications of animal social organization and network structure: A quantitative analysis
Pratha Sah
Contributed Talks, room D137
Pratha Sah
Contributed Talks, room D137
11:10 AM
Ecosystem and microbial drivers of Lyme disease risk in southern Vermont
William J. Landesman
Contributed Talks, room D137
William J. Landesman
Contributed Talks, room D137