Outreach and Education
Frequently Asked Questions for NVC Users:
The Panel created a user-friendly list of answers to Frequently Asked Questions about the NVC. You can view the entire list of FAQs here, to learn find out the following, plus much more:
- What is the US National Vegetation Classification (USNVC)?
- What can the USNVC do, and what are its limits?
- Is the system comprehensive enough to use everywhere?
- Is the USNVC appropriate for mapping?
- How can I work with the USNVC when it’s not fully developed?
- How can the USNVC adapt to changing environments and community composition through time?
NVC Factsheets:
Panel members, in conjunction with staff from federal agencies, have helped to produce a general NVC Factsheet.
Publications about the NVC:
Faber-Langendoen et al, 2017. The EcoVeg Approach in the Americas: Manuscript and Supplements
Panel Presentations and Talks:
Below is a selection of recent presentations given by Panel Members at various meetings:
USNVC and Panel talk presented to the ESA Governing Board (May 2018) (Scott Franklin)
USNVC Presentation to Alaska Geospatial Council, 2018 (Don Faber-Langendoen)
USNVC Talk from Ecological Association of Beijing Meeting, 2015 (Scott Franklin)
Introduction to the US National Vegetation Classification
Using Concepts and Products of the USNVC to Address Agency-Wide Business Needs
Posters about Vegetation Classification and/or the NVC:
VegBank.org: A Permanent, Open‐Access Archive for Vegetation Plot Data
Using Legacy Datasets to Analyze Changes in Vegetation Distribution: Examples and Considerations
A Short History of Vegetation Classification and its Relevance Today
ESA Annual Meeting 2017: NVC Poster Session
Archives from Panel Workshops:
2012 NVC Workshop for Mid-career Managers (Denver, CO)