Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Travel Awards
Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Travel Awards Undergraduate students who have completed NSF-sponsored REU projects in the areas of ecology, evolution, restoration, or environmental science are encouraged to present their research at the ESA/SER Joint Meeting being held in San Jose, California. These students are also invited to apply for an NSF-funded travel award, which will support the participation of 20 competitively-selected REU participants at this meeting. Each successful travel award winner will be funded at a rate of $1,000 U.S. to help defray the total costs of round-trip airfare to the meeting, food and lodging, and ESA/SER abstract and registration fees. All applicants must have performed their research either through an REU Site, or through an REU supplement to a regular NSF grant. Students who will be initiating their REU research in summer 2007 must wait to apply for the summer 2008 meeting. Abstracts that address the meeting theme, “Ecology-based restoration in a changing world,” are especially encouraged, but submissions may be from any area of ecology; these abstracts must be submitted to ESA/SER by 1 March 2007 (for contributed orals and posters) or 1 June 2007 (for latebreaking posters) through the normal electronic abstract submission process. Please see the ESA Annual Meeting website at for examples of the kinds of topics and presentations that are already planned for this ESA/SER Joint Meeting.
Click here to download a Microsoft Word document containing the application form for this travel award. Please fill out the application electronically; save the completed application file as ESA 2007 REU your name (e.g., ESA 2007 REU Val Smith.doc); and then e-mail the completed application file directly to Dr. Val H. Smith, University of Kansas , at by June 30, 2007. A short mentor's letter of recommendation, sent to this same e-mail address, is also required for each award applicant. Applicants must not send this travel award application to the ESA website, because they will not process it! These applications will be evaluated by an ad hoc ESA /REU Travel Award Review and Selection Committee, and competitively-chosen student applicants whose abstracts have been accepted by ESA /SER will be contacted independently by e-mail to confirm their intent to attend the ESA /SER Joint Annual Meeting. Successful applicants will be contacted in early July 2007.
Interested applicants might also consider clicking the box on the meeting registration form to register as a potential student volunteer at the meeting. In return for providing a modest degree of help at the meeting (such as assisting with room lights), ESA will refund $135 U.S. in registration fees for each student volunteer chosen.