ESA’s Struggle for Identity, First 100 Years

OOS 42 ESA’s Struggle for Identity Over the First 100 Years: Lessons for the Future?
Thursday, August 14, 2014: 1:30 PM-5:00 PM in Room 204, Sacramento Convention Center
Organized by Juliana C. Mulroy and Kathleen J. Fichtel; Moderator: Robert H. Jones
The Ecological Society of America (ESA) was formed in 1915 with the express intent of bringing those interested in ecology together to share common interests in a way not possible in other societies of the time. Presenters explore the early membership and how it has changed, participation by entomologists over the years, ecological leadership, human ecology, and diversity and multicultural perspectives throughout ESA’s history.
Details at EcoConfex program page
Presenters list:

  • 1:30 PM OOS 42-1 How a new society found its bearings: Membership demographics and interests during the Ecological Society of America’s early years;
    Juliana C. Mulroy, Denison University; Alison Anastasio, University of Chicago
  • 1:50 PM OOS 42-2 The other “E”: Entomologists and entomology in (and out) of the Ecological Society of America
    Terry A. Wheeler, McGill University; Laura L. Timms, Credit Valley Conservation
  • 2:10 PM OOS 42-3 “Ecology was everywhere”: Ecological leaders from West Virginia
    Kathleen J. Fichtel, West Virginia University; Robert H. Jones, West Virginia University
  • 2:30 PM OOS 42-4 Ecology’s roots at historically black colleges
    Charles H. Nilon, University of Missouri; George A. Middendorf, Howard University; Muriel Poston, Pitzer College
  • 2:50 PM OOS 42-5 Diversity in ESA at 100: An historic assessment
    Christopher Beck, Emory University; Kate S. Boersma, University of San Diego; C. Susannah Tysor, University of British Columbia; George Middendorf, Howard University
  • 3:10 PM OOS 42- Break
  • 3:20 PM OOS 42-6 Human ecology at ESA: An historical review
    Rich Borden, College of the Atlantic; Robert A. Dyball, Australian National University
  • 3:40 PM OOS 42-7 With respect to the ESA, how ecological is ecological restoration? Where has ecological restoration been and where might it go?
    Stuart K. Allison, Knox College
  • 4:00 PM OOS 42-8 Different ways of knowing: ESA and its adaptation to multicultural complexities
    Jesse Ford, Oregon State University