History lovers guide to ESA2013
We’ll be celebrating ESA’s history again this year, with major displays and demos at our joint Historical Records/Centennial Committee booth. Look for us in the Exhibit Hall all week, but especially during poster sessions. (Booth 613)
In addition to our booth, several sessions related to ESA history are planned by the HRC Program Subcommittee and others. To learn more about what’s happening, follow us on Twitter: @ESAhistory.
Monday, August 5, 10:15 AM-11:30 AM SS 4: Generating a Historical Time Line of ‘Earth Stewards’ to Inspire Our Future. 101E, Minneapolis Convention Center. Human-oriented ESA sections gather to collaborate using Tiki-toki software. Organized by past chairs of Environmental Justice, Human Ecology and Traditional Ecological Knowledge. Organized by Robert A. Dyball, Leanne M. Jablonski, and Mimi E. Lam.
Monday, August 5, 1:30 PM-5:00 PM SYMP 1. A Guide to Ecology’s Past, Current and Future History: Reflections on a Theme by Robert McIntosh. M100EF, Minneapolis Convention Center. Speakers examine how the field is changing and how the past informs both present and future. Organized by James A. MacMahon, moderated by Katherine L. Gross.
Tuesday, August 6, 8-11:30 AM SYMP 5 Understanding the Past to Shape the Future: A Symposium Honoring the Contribution of Minnesota Ecologists Margaret Davis, Eville Gorham, and Herb Wright. 205AB, Minneapolis Convention Center. Organized by Mark W. Schwartz, Mary V. Santelmann, and David R. Foster.
Tuesday, August 6, 1:30 PM-5:00 PM In OOS 11, speakers will discuss Communities, Places, and American Ecology: Case Studies; how intellectual communities have sparked creativity and shaped ideas in ecology. 101A, Minneapolis Convention Center. Organized by Alison Anastasio.
Wednesday, August 7, 4:30-6:30: At OPS 3, students will share their Current Perspectives on the History of Ecology at this poster session in the Exhibit Hall. Organized by HRC student member Daniel S. Song.
Wednesday, August 7, 7-8:30 AM: Historical Records Committee Meeting.
Wednesday, August 7, 4:30-6:30 PM: PS 32 is organized around the theme of history, perhaps a precedent at ESA meetings. See more at History poster session.
Thursday, August 8, 8-10 AM. Explore The Value of Philosophy for Ecology at Ignite session 14. From putting the Ph back into ecology PhDs to blind ecologists and the ecological elephant, this session promises to be intriguing. Organized by Chelse Prather.
Thursday, August 8, 1:30-3:30 PM: Join the Conversation on the Future of Ecology, Ignite session 16, featuring ESA leadership, current and past. Organized by Mimi E. Lam and Bob R. Pohlad.
Friday, August 9, 8-11:30 AM: Changes in the way ecologists approach their science, and whether hypothesis testing truly is the main work of science, are the focus for Beyond Hypothesis Testing. M100EF, Minneapolis Convention Center. Organized by Jane Shevtsov.