Organizational call for the ESA Centennial Annual Meeting
ESA Centennial in 2015
Carol Brewer , Hal Balbach , Nancy Huntly
from the Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 94:204–209.
Hello ESA Colleagues,
The Ecological Society of America celebrates its Centennial in 2015, and many Society-sponsored activities already have been planned and are being developed. However, many other things remain to be organized, including the theme and program of the 2015 meeting, centennial-related activities that overlap the 2014 and 2015 meetings, and a few other Society-sponsored events and activities for 2015. Additionally, we are hearing from members who have ideas for the 2014 or 2015 meeting or for a Centennial activity and want to know how to be involved.
The purpose of this e-mail is to introduce the point-people who should be contacted with questions about or ideas for the 2014 Annual Meeting, the 2015 Centennial Annual Meeting, or ESA’s planned Centennial activities.
Carol Brewer is chairing the Program Committee for the 2015 Centennial Annual Meeting, to be held in Baltimore; Hal Balbach is chairing the Program Committee for the 2014 Annual Meeting, to be held in Sacramento; and Nancy Huntly is chairing the Centennial Implementation Committee, which will oversee the series of activities that will mark ESA’s Centennial year and meeting, helping to keep all on schedule and coordinated.
To coordinate planning for the 2014 and 2015 Annual Meetings and other Centennial observances, Carol, Hal, and Nancy will act as an Executive Committee that shares information between the two Program Committees and the Centennial Implementation Committee. You may e-mail any one or all of us with your ideas and questions.
We are particularly interested in hearing early your ideas for symposia, organized oral sessions, etc., that would relate to a centennial theme and so continue through both the 2014 and 2015 meetings.
We all look forward to working with ESA members to assure great Annual Meetings and a great Centennial year for ESA.
Best wishes to you all,
Carol Brewer (
Hal Balbach (
Nancy Huntly (
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