NVC Data Management Meeting
On October 29th and 30th, 2015, representatives of the ESA Panel met with members of other NVC Partner Organizations in Chapel Hill, NC to discuss an overall strategy for data management of the US National Vegetation Classification. Â The main objectives of the meeting were to: 1)Â Review and agree to all of the identified components that comprise the NVC Standard and Classification System; 2)Â Identify all potential options (from potential retirement to funding additional capacity and intermediate options for each) for management of each component that will allow the NVC to move forward; 3) Identify advantages and disadvantages to each option and any potential unintended consequences for each option for each component; and 4)Â Review the advantages and disadvantages to having all components hosted by one facility.
The meeting resulted in a comprehensive list of options for moving forward with various data components of the NVC, including the NVC Proceedings and peer review tools, content management database, and VegBank, the online vegetation plot database of the ESA Panel on Vegetation Classification.