Summer 2018 Newsletter

Please read on for information on how to vote for Southwestern Chapter officers and how to participate with the chapter at ESA New Orleans.

Officer Elections
Members are invited to vote for Southwestern Chapter governance via electronic ballot. Please respond by August 5th, 2018 . Election results will be made official at the Southwestern Chapter Breakfast Social and Business meeting. (Monday, August 6, 7 AM – 8 AM, Tchoupitoulas meeting room-Marriott)

Chapter Booth
Please come and network at our chapter sponsored booth in New Orleans! We also need volunteers to help out with the booth during busy hours and sell our amazing SWAG for all to enjoy.

Volunteering at the booth is a great way to meet and network with people interested in Southwest and ecology related research.

Please fill out the form with your availability

ESA Chapter Booth Volunteer form
ESA Annual Meeting in New Orleans
Don’t forget to come to our INSPIRE session and Chapter Business meeting.
Stay connected on social media with the southwestern chapter!
ESA Twitter

New Orleans Chapter Business Meeting

The Southwestern Chapter business meeting will be Monday at 7am in the Tchoupitoulas meeting room at the Marriott. The officers and student travel award recipients as well as anyone else would like to attend are invited.

ESA 2018 INSPIRE session
Thursday 3:30-5:00pm
Akasha Faist has organized a great session that will highlight scientific work aiming to fill research gaps in the US Southwest and Mexico.The goal of this session is to identify existing research gaps and the opportunities they provide as well as any potential challenges we may have to overcome moving forward. After the presentations, we encourage the audience to join us in a group discussion geared toward propelling ecological research forward in the US Southwest, Mexico, and beyond.

See more session info here

Speakers include:
G. darrel Jenerette, University of California
Elisabeth Huber-Sannwald, Instituto Potosino de Investigacion Científica y Tecnológica (IPICYT)
Dylan Schwilk, Texas Tech University
William K. Smith, University of Arizona (et al)
Joseph R. Mihaljevic, Northern Arizona University
Kristina Young, University of Texas at El Paso; etal
Nicholas Webb, USDA ARS Jornada Experimental Range