Interdisciplinary Power of Data Workshop
The ecological sciences are rich with an ever-growing volume, diversity and complexity of data from large-scale experiments, remote sensing, observatory networks, and predictive (simulation) models. We now have access to microbial and genomic data, and to paleo and specimen data recently digitized in the form of images, audio, and motion recordings. Today, rich Citizen Science data are being used to monitor the health of our waters and ecosystems, collecting data where scientists are not able to go. Beyond biology, data such as geophysical data and socioeconomic data, are just some examples of sources for research data that can be coupled with biological data in order to investigate novel ecological questions.
During this workshop, participants will:
- Enhance your knowledge of Big Data, data management and explore a variety of datasets.
- Develop skills to harness the Power of the Data Revolution for interdisciplinary research
- Expand your network with data scientists and peers who share your interests
- Engage in focused conversations with a community of diverse scientists and ESA leaders
- Learn about leadership opportunities and resources to build diversity, inclusion and justice in ESA and environmental organizations.
- Join a Power of Data community Slack group within the Environmental Data Science Inclusion Network channel to continue conversations.
Planning Team
- PI, Catherine O’Riordan, Executive Director, ESA
- Co-PI Teresa Mourad, Director of Education & Diversity Programs, ESA
- Alycia Crall, Director of Community, Data Carpentries
- Marty Downs, Director, LTER Network Office, National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, UC Santa Barbara
Workshop Faculty
Data Carpentries Instructors
- Matthew Aiello-Lammens, Pace University
- Annajiat Alim Rasel, Brac University
- Alain (Al) Wescott, Department of Homeland Security
Data Resource Experts
- Dr. Andrew Elmore, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science
- Dr. Kelly Hondula, National Ecological Observatory Network
- Dr. Klaus-peter Koepfli, Smithsonian/ George Mason University
- Dr. Alonso Aguirre, Smithsonian/ George Mason University
Workshop Agenda
- Attend a 2-day Data Carpentry workshop to gain skills in data management relevant to Ecology
- Explore multiple types of Big Data including geospatial, NEON, biodiversity, socioeconomic data, genomic data and disease macroecology with a faculty of experts
- Participate in science communication and grantwriting sessions
- Work with an interdisciplinary team of peers to pitch research ideas using Big Data
Dates and Location
The workshop will be held from October 17-22, 2021 at the Maritime Conference Center in Linthicum, (Baltimore), MD.
Please direct questions to
Teresa Mourad,
Director, Education & Diversity Programs
This workshop is made possible with a grant from the National Science Foundation