Career Central 2019
Scientists at all career levels, from new students to the most seasoned researchers, can benefit from the professional development provided by their association with societies. From peer mentoring to formal training, societies and the collective expertise of their members are perfect crucibles for developing skills not just as scientists, but as professionals and leaders as well. As part of its commitment to fostering the professional development of its members, ESA is proud to bring Career Central to the 2019 Annual Meeting.
This year’s event promises to build on the success of last year’s career fair initiative by expanding and amplifying the kinds of hands-on, practical career development content that all scientists need to advance.
Here’s the full schedule (subject to change)!
Career Central will run daily at the Annual Meeting, 1:30-4:30 PM in the exhibit hall, and will also serve as host for several networking events and brown-bag lunches as well as the jobs board. And, if you’re interested in contributing, please see this form!