About LDC
Conference Scope
The biological understanding of our world, from the DNA in cells to the effect of our actions in the biosphere, has advanced rapidly. Our changing world presents exciting opportunities for Life Discovery and challenges for teaching, study and learning. The branches of biology that deal with plants, animals, behavior, ecology and evolution, collectively referred to as organismal and environmental biology, hold many keys to understanding life in a changing world.
This conference will highlight the leading science, curriculum design and implementation and data exploration in a research-rich biology education for high school and undergraduate students.
A major goal of the conference is to foster communities of practice and encourage the sharing of best practices in biology education across grades. The Education Share Fair will be a central event for participants to contribute to a collection of lesson ideas as well as teacher-friendly scientific resources including photo collections, figures and charts and datasets etc. leading to publication in the LifeDiscoveryEd Digital Library.
Participants at this conference will:
- Discover the science of life in a changing world
- Swap ideas for a robust biology classroom
- Build partnerships with scientists and educators
- Explore digital resources and new technologies
Conference Objectives
- Highlight evidence-based research for 21st century biology education
- Promote the use of digital resources and new technologies for scientific literacy, with attention to underrepresented audiences
- Foster communities of practice and partnerships among scientists and educators
- Promote a culture of publishing in education through the sharing of classroom-friendly resources in LifeDiscoveryEd Digital Library
- Inform educators about strategies for promoting careers in organismal and environmental biology