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How to get involved

You can and should volunteer to help with chapter activities. Here’s how you can get involved:

  1. Join the chapter! For each person, ESA gives us US$5.oo that helps supporting chapter activites and students
  2. Run for a position in the chapter board. We renew our board annually and elections are held online before the ESA annual meeting. Below you’ll find a description for the job of each position
    1. Chair: leads the chapter, sets the agenda of monthly meetings, prepare the annual report to the ESA council, with the help of the other board members, participates in monthly meetings with ESA Director of Membership and Section and Chapter Chairs, participates in the biannual meeting of the ESA council.
    2. Vice-Chair: supports the work of the chair. Not necessarily will become the new chair
    3. Secretary: takes notes and prepares all material for monthly meetings and the annual business meeting, helps in keeping the hsitorical records of chapter activities
    4. Media person: in charge of managing the social media of the chapter (Twitter and Facebook) and updating the Website
    5. Student liason: makes the connection between our chapter and the student section of ESA, bringing their necessities and help support student activities
  3. Help evaluating posters and talks of chapter members for annual awards