Lisa Schulte Moore
Why I did a Science Cafe – a guest post by Lisa Schulte Moore
“Being a native of Wisconsin – land of beer, brats, and polkas – I’ve always dreamed of delivering a science presentation with a drink in my hand.” — Lisa Schulte Moore writes about her new adventures in public outreach at the Science Cafe, and as a fellow in the Leopold Leadership program.
Read MoreMaking room for prairie STRIPs in Iowa’s cornbelt
A Field Talk interview with Lisa Schulte Moore (Land Sharing/Sparing #1) digs into how integrating STRIPs of prairie into conventional row crops helps farms, waterways, and wildlife.
Read MoreLisa Schulte Moore’s agro-ecology pitch takes the ESA2013 Science Cafe Prize
Want to stem biodiversity loss, enhance fresh water supplies, curtail climate change AND improve people’s lives? Then change modern agriculture.
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