Proud to be ecologists (and students)
When we were introduced to the concept of this ESA blog, we were asked to write about what makes us proud to be ecologists.
When we were introduced to the concept of this ESA blog, we were asked to write about what makes us proud to be ecologists.
Right now, a constitution is being written for the globe. In it, humans are defining what democracy means for the Earth and all of its inhabitants. In this essay, I want to explore some of the reasons why I think science is deeply relevant to the project of writing a global constitution.
Costa Rica is a country of an important ecological and human diversity due to its location and biophysical characteristics. The country has 5% of the world’s species in a geographical territory of 51,100 square kilometers (km), 0.1% of the earth’s surface, and a marine territory of 500,000 square km.
A new vision for New Orleans and the Mississippi delta: applying ecological economics and ecological engineering. Robert Costanza, William J. Mitsch, and John W. Day, Jr . Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, November 2006
We look forward to your sharing information and ideas about the science of ecology and its many applications on our new blog. Since our first meeting in 1915, the ESA has grown from 300 to nearly 10,000 members. The timely exchange of views remains a priority for the ESA and initiation of this blog continues our long tradition of electronic communication among members of the ecological community.
Attention all professors, teachers, teaching assistants, and tutors- the ESA has launched one of the first professional science blogs. The News and Views Blog will feature a series of ecological discussions based upon provocative journal articles and posts by ecologists on current issues or events in ecology.
ESA is exploring how ecology relates to other scientific disciplines. One expression of this exploration is the invitation to scientific practitioners and researchers in related disciplines to become members of ESA. And we want to know what you think.
Welcome to ESA News and Views, the ESA blog. We welcome your contributions and comments about ecological research, education, and management. Please read the submmission guidelines and disclaimer on this page for information about how to submit posts or add your comments to others’ posts. We look forward to hearing from you. Contributed by Clifford Duke, Coordinator, ESA News and…