ESA Joins with the Portuguese Ecological Society to Celebrate Ecology Day 2019 on September 14

Celebrate Ecology Day 2019 on September 14

Even though July 31 is past, you can still register your event for Ecology Day.

The Ecological Society of America is joining its international sister societies to celebrate a world Ecology Day September 14.

You may still register an event up to Sept. 14 even though the date in the flyer  above says July 31. ESA will be doing an online social media event Sept. 14 to celebrate Ecology Day.

The day’s origins came from the celebration of the 150th anniversary of ecology  in 2016 with a Round Table discussion at European Parliament, Brussels. This celebration was born due to an aspiration to develop a social collective mind of what ecology, as a science, represents in the present threatened world.

In the present century, ecology is an integrative science that provides with explanations about the challenges we face today that can reframe the relation between humans and nature.

Today, the science of ecology is providing the knowledge necessary to reach the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. Ecological data and knowledge can prove valuable to tackle economic challenges and health problems in order to create a more sustainable biosphere and a more equitable society based on a transdisciplinary paradigm.

Ecologists contribute to filling the knowledge gap with regards to ecosystem complexities. But they should also be able to communicate with citizens using a clear and simple understandable scientific message, to show their endeavours, challenges, and breakthroughs for people to understand that science is not a tangible and immutable object that can be tackled without obstacles.

Following the European Parliament during the 150th anniversary of Ecology, the Portuguese Ecological Society – SPECO proposed the 14th September as the day to be adopted to host different kinds of public and media events closely related to ecology, in a broad sense.