ESA and Twitter – Sunday
Computational ecologist Ted Hart is in Portland (OR), blogging ESA’s annual meeting at Dynamic Ecology. Here’s an excerpt from his Sunday post–thanks for sharing, Ted!
In 2007 at ESA I and two other people were using twitter. Back then I didn’t understand it and had to ask what hashtags were. I gave up on twitter until 2010 and now with a new handle I think I finally get it. One of my favorite things to do with twitter is text mine it. So here’s a word cloud of the 745 tweets with the #ESA2012 tag from Sunday. Clearly Jane Lubchenco and the plenary sessions were on lots of people’s minds.
…continue reading “ESA and Twitter — Sunday,” and check out Ted’s Monday talk itinerary at his blog Distributed Ecology. Follow Ted on twitter at @DistribEcology.