More reflections on SEEDS and Santa Barbara
First of all, I would like to thank the ESA for the opportunities offered to students and for allowing me to participate in your program. Every experience I have had with SEEDS has been a great learning experience and once in a life time opportunities. I learn a lot from the field trips and it’s nice to meet people with the same general interests and future aspirations. The staff that escorts the students is always exceptionally nice and I learn a lot with each new opportunity that I have been privileged enough to be included on. The field trips are definitely that “little push” for people who aren’t quite sure if Ecology is the field for them.
Every participant I’ve encountered has enlightened my life in one way or another- every contact is a new opportunity for new ideas and information. I do not think that there is a SEEDS chapter here at the University of North Dakota, so if I could get some ideas on how other people have established chapters that would be great. Thanks again to everyone that made this last trip what it was. Friday, the boat ride on the ocean (my first time) along with the REEF and beach activates were indescribable; it was truly one of the best days I have had in a long time. I actually enjoyed it so much that I think I might go to San Diego over my Christmas break! Thanks again.
Contributed by Alexa Azure, University of North Dakota in Grand Forks