SEEDS Undergraduate Research Fellowship
The SEEDS Fellowship is an opportunity for undergraduate students who are underrepresented in the field of ecology to conduct an independent ecological investigation with an ESA member mentor.� The application deadline for the 2008-2009 Fellowship is September 21, so apply today!�
The SEEDS Fellowship allows undergraduate students to complete an independent research project. This project includes working with program staff to select a research site and mentor, writing a research proposal and budget, conducting research in the field and/or lab, analyzing results and writing a paper, and presenting research at an ESA Annual Meeting. Each Fellow has a research mentor, a PhD ecologist from the ESA membership, to provide support throughout the project. The SEEDS Fellowship is essentially a mini thesis that prepares students for graduate school research. The SEEDS program also provides support through stipends, designated staff, networking with other Fellows, workshops, etc.
Contributed by Melissa Armstrong, Ecological Society of America