James Stroud Named Early Career Fellow by Ecological Society of America

by Jess Hunt-Ralston, Georgia Tech
April 30, 2024

James T. Stroud has been named an Early Career Fellow by the Ecological Society of America.

He joins the ranks of nine newly appointed ESA Fellows and ten 2024-2028 ESA Early Career Fellows, elected for “advancing the science of ecology and showing promise for continuing contributions” and recently confirmed by the organization’s Governing Board.

Stroud, an Elizabeth Smithgall Watts Early Career Assistant Professor in the School of Biological Sciences, is an integrative evolutionary ecologist who investigates how ecological and evolutionary processes may underlie patterns of biological diversity at the macro-scale.

Keep reading: https://www.gatech.edu/news/2024/04/30/james-stroud-named-early-career-fellow-ecological-society-america