August 1, 2010
ESA Governing Board: Minutes of the ESA Council
August 1, 2010
Pittsburgh, PA
Members Present:
Hal Balbach, David Baldwin, Romi Burks, Elizabeth Biggs, Charles Canham, Zoe Cardon, Terry Chapin, Carmen Cid, Scott Collins, Phil Dixon, Cliff Duke, Scott Franklin, Deborah Goldberg, David Gooding, Peter Groffman, Stephen Hart, Laura Huenneke, Rob Jackson, Ed Johnson, Angela Kent, Mimi Lam, Meg Lowman, Nadine Lymn, Jude Maul, Katherine McCarter, George Middendorf, Kiyoko Miyanishi, Teresa Mourad, Juliana Mulroy, David Nelson, Yude Pan, Bill Parton, Deb Peters, Steward Pickett, Sunny Power, Mary Power, Sam Scheiner, Dave Schimel, Sue Silver, Robin Snyder, Emily Stanley, Donald Strong, Fabricio Villalobos, Terry Wheeler, and Anthony Yannarell
I. Introduction and Announcements
The ESA Council meeting was called to order by President Mary Power.Â
II. Report of the President and ESA Activities/Initiatives
Mary Power outlined a proposal for a new Policy Section, and reported on the launch of the new journal Ecosphere. She reminded the Council of the upcoming 2015 Centennial, and encouraged members to contact Alan Covich with ideas. She also noted that the Student Section has been the fastest growing section of the Society.
III. Presentation of the Budget
Bill Parton presented a summary of the 2010 – 2011 budget. Laura Huenneke moved and Phil Dixon seconded a motion to approve the budget as presented. The motion was approved unanimously.
IV. Vote to Establish the Natural History Section
Meg Lowman moved and Hal Balbeck seconded a motion to approve the formation of the Natural History Section. The motion was approved unanimously by the Council.
V. Reports from Long Range Planning Grant Awardees
Reports from recipients of Long Range Planning Grants were distributed in the Annual Report to the Governing Council. A representative from each group presented a brief summary of their activities.
A. Applied Ecology Section
B. Education Section
C. Education and Human Resources Committee
D. Environmental Justice Section
E. Mexico Chapter
F. Microbial Ecology Section
G. Southwest Chapter
H. Student Section
I. Traditional Ecological Knowledge
VI. Planetary Stewardship and Sections and Chapters
President-Elect Terry Chapin described the Planetary Stewardship Initiatives and encouraged Sections and Chapters to get involved. Â
VII. Recognition of Governing Board Members Leaving the Board, and Introduction of New Governing Board Members
President Mary Power presented plaques recognizing the service of three Governing Board members who have completed their terms, and introduced incoming members of the Governing Board
VIII. Announcements / New Business
Scott Franklin described efforts by the Historical Records Committee in preparation for the ESA Centennial. Â
Meeting was adjourned at 4:00
Minutes respectfully submitted,
Charles Canham, Secretary