
Welcome, members of the media. We are here to help you, whether you are joining us on-site or covering the meeting from afar.

Meeting media links:

About ESA:

ESA invites reporters and institutional public information officers to attend.
To register, please contact ESA Communications Officer Liza Lester at or (202) 833-8773 x211. To register on-site at the meeting, please come to the press room in convention center room 102.

Media check-in will be in the press room, room 102. Preregistered media attendees should bypass main registration and come to the press room to pick up press badges and other registration materials. 

We waive registration fees for reporters with a recognized press card and for current members of the National Association of Science Writers, the Canadian Science Writers Association, the International Science Writers Association and the Society of Environmental Journalists.

We waive registration fees for press officers. If you cannot attend but would like to promote presenters from your institution, we are happy to distribute your press releases in the meeting Press Room.  Press officers may request copies of all abstracts related to their institution. Contact Liza Lester.

We do not waive registration fees for editors of peer-reviewed journals, ad sales representatives, publishers, program officers or marketing professionals.

Meeting abstracts are not embargoed.