May 2024 Votes of the ESA Council
Members of the ESA Council are called upon to vote on two timely items.
Election of Speaker-elect of the Council
The ESA Council is led by three Speakers who serve for three years, one respectively as Speaker-elect, Speaker and Past Speaker. Rachel Bowes (Emporia University; Aquatic Ecology Section) was nominated (Provete) and accepted the nomination.Â
Change to Composition of the ESA Board of Professional Certification
As all members and Council representatives were notified in February, the Governing Board voted to approve the following change in the ESA Bylaws to allow for the expansion of the Board of Professional Certification. Council’s vote will ratify the change, which will be effective for ESA’s 2024 election.
Section 1. Purpose. The Society’s Certification Program is administered by the Board of Professional Certification.
Section 2. Terms of Service. The Board of Professional Certification shall consist of seven up to 11 members elected by the membership of the Society. Each nominee for the Board of Professional Certification must be a certified Ecologist. Nominations and elections shall be carried out as part of the annual Society elections. Each Board member shall serve a three-year term and is eligible for re-election to one additional consecutive term.Â